Monday, May 21, 2012

Weekly Assignment #5 5/21-5/28

When I say Russia, you say...
1. Comment on this post and tell us the first word that pops into your head when you read/hear the word Russia...let's find out what our stereotypes are and what we already know!
2. It's finals week! YAY! (Well, not so much for the finals as for the end of school, right?)  Comment on this post and tell us how your finals went! Are there areas you feel super confident in ("I know I got 100% on my calculus final!") or areas you're a little nervous about ("I'm not so sure about that culinary arts final!")  We want to know!
3. Comment back to at least one teammate about their finals...offer encouragement, light-hearted mockery or congratulations for a job well done!


  1. When you say Russia I say...the one area that didn't spread out much. (World History has brainwashed me!)

    Yo tengo un examen en espanol! Estoy nerviosa. (I'm nervous about my spanish final!) and my geometry final...anyone a good tutor?

    1. Hmmmm...we'll have to see about Russia not spreading out much.
      Yo puedo ayudar con el espanol si necessitas, tambien, Elias esta muy bien en espanol!

    2. I'm nervous about my Geometry final, too! It's the only subject I genuinely despise. However, I'm sure you'll do fine.

    3. jaja, me encanta el espanol! En cual clase estes? bueno. Si necesitas ayuda con el espanol, preguntame. Lo ciento que es despues do los examens lol.

  2. Prekroy Menya Ja Dolzhen Derezareditsya is what I think of.

    I found myself studying so hard for my french speaking exam that when my mom called me down for dinner I responded in french.

    1. Haha, tres bien, Allen! Are you getting more french every day? (And is that real Russian?)

    2. I am stoked for another awesome year of french, and yes, it means "cover my a**, I'm reloading."

    3. That one made me laugh, Allen! And I hope you're sincere in your "stoked-ness" for another year of French!

  3. I say communism.

    Of the finals I've taken so far, I'm only confident in my French exam. But I usually make things more dramatic than they actually are, so this is probably a good sign.

    1. I'm sure you'll do great in all of your finals :) You're so smart!

    2. I bet you got 100% on all your finals Maria.

    3. I'm glad you were confident in your French exam! But I agree, I'm sure you did well on all your finals (I know you did well on your French final, obviously!).

  4. I say warm hats.

    Hmmm, I was nervous about my impac final, it was a job interview but it went surprisingly well! Oh and I'm nervous about my p.e final. I know nothing about sports trivia.

    I'm pretty positive I aced my biology final though.

    1. I remember the impac final....that was horrible for me. Well, I found it was great practice for the Academic Decathlon interview section, if you did well in your other interview, that should be a good catagory for you in AD.

    2. I got an A but I think it was mostly because the interviewer was more interested in the fact that I was Irish than anything else. Not sure if I can win over people with my Irish charm at AD...

    3. Scout, I'm sure you won them over with more than just your Irish charm, but I say if people are extra charmed by your Irish-ness, go with it...

  5. First word: Censored version aka second word: Communism. First word: Vodka. Don't kill me please Mrs. Taylor. :)

    The New Mexico history final i completed in ten minutes, it was a complete joke. AP Physics wasn't bad, it was a project where I tried to tune a chair. As for Honors Algebra Trig: I figure if I get a 40% or better on the final I'll pass the class....tells you about my contrasting abilities haha.

    1. Haha, Elias...I would never get mad at you for saying vodka! It's an important part of the economy and the would be like talking about France without the wine!

  6. First Word: Privet. Second word: Bugsbys' Chair.
    I think I did absolutely fantastic...except in Geomtry D:< Where did that test come from! D:<!

  7. Replies
    1. Interesting, several people have said hats...I actually have one of those super-stereotypical fur hats from Russia, it sits on top of my bookcase in my living room and every time the pizza delivery man comes, he asks me if it's a cat, so I guess not everyone gets the hats thing :).

  8. I think of Doctor Zhivago when I hear russian.
    I feel confidant about my French Final, but i'm scared about my math final.

    1. Glad you felt good about did the math go?

    2. I was scared about my math final too but I passed with flying colours and I'm sure you did too :)

    3. Yeah, I thought I was going to fail my Math final, but I did just fine, so I'm sure you did great, if not amazing! :D

  9. 1. I think of My friend Steven...-_-' For some reason, a lot of people call him "The Russian"

    2. I was really nervous about Algebra, but I somehow managed to get a 95% on it! I was really nervous about Italian though...I did okay on it though.


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